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نیکسان درب ابتکار

نیکسان درب ابتکار

نیکسان درب ابتکار_درب فلزی_شیشه های جار_فروش درب فلزی_خرید شیشه جار نیکسان درب ابتکار تولید کننده انواع درب های فلزی شیشه های جار با به روزترین تکنولوزی روز دنیا تاریخچه : نیکسان درب ابتکار در سال 1392 فعالیت خود را در زمینه تولید درب شیشه آغاز نمود و به دلیل احساس کمبود چنین مجموعه ای در نیمه شرقی کشور تصمیم به احداث این مجموعه گرفتیم. ماشین آلات نصب شده در آن با تکنولوژی پیشرفته 2017 اروپاست و ساخت کشور آلمان بوده و نمونه آن در کشور موجود نمی باشد. همچنین در کنار استفاده از تکنولوژی برتر ماشین آلات بروز اروپا ، برآن شدیم تا از بهترین متریال جهت ماده اولیه آن استفاده گردد و در عین حال که ورق فولادی تمامی کارخانجات تولید داخل از کشور چین و کره تهیه می گردد،ورق فولادی که در تولید درب فلزی در این مجموعه استفاده می شود از کشور ژاپن می باشد که دومین تولید کننده ورق فولاد در دنیاست. این نوع ورق ازنوع ورق قلع اندود بوده که به دلیل خواصی نظیر چسبندگی رنگ و لاک به کیفیت بالا و ایجاد ظاهر جذاب کمک شایانی نموده است. ورق قلع اندود شده به صورت الکترونیکی مورد استفاده قرار می گیرد. این ورق در واقع ورق فولاد کم کربنی است که دو طرف آن با قلع پوشانده شده است و همانطور که اشاره شده در صنایع بسته بندی نظیر بسته بندی درب انواع شیشه مورد استفاده قرار می گیرد. History: Niksan Darb-e-Ebtekar started its activity in 1392 in the field of glass door production and due to the feeling of lack of such a complex in the eastern half of the country, we decided to build this complex. The machines installed in it are with the advanced technology of 2017 in Europe and are made in Germany and its sample is not available in the country. In addition to using the superior technology of modern machines in Europe, we decided to use the best material for its raw material, and at the same time the steel sheet of all domestic factories is produced from China and Korea, the steel sheet in the production of doors The metal used in this set is from Japan, which is the second largest producer of steel sheets in the world. This type of sheet is a type of tin-plated sheet, which has helped to create an attractive appearance due to its properties such as paint and varnish adhesion. The tin-plated sheet is used electronically. This sheet is actually a low carbon steel sheet that is coated with tin on both sides and as mentioned in the packaging industry such as glass door packaging. History: ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Made in China and Korea, the steel sheet used in the production of metal doors in this complex is from Japan, which is the second largest producer of steel sheets in the world. This type of sheet is a type of tin-plated sheet, which has helped to create an attractive appearance due to its properties such as paint and varnish adhesion. The tin-plated sheet is used electronically. This sheet is actually a low carbon steel sheet that is coated with tin on both sides and as mentioned in the packaging industry such as glass door packaging. History: Niksan Darb-e-Ebtekar started its activity in 1392 in the field of glass door production and due to the feeling of lack of such a complex in the eastern half of the country, we decided to build this complex. The machines installed in it are with the advanced technology of 2017 in Europe and are made in Germany and its sample is not available in the country. In addition to using the superior technology of modern machines in Europe, we decided to use the best material for its raw material, and at the same time the steel sheet of all domestic factories is produced from China and Korea, the steel sheet in the production of doors The metal used in this set is from Japan, which is the second largest producer of steel sheets in the world. This type of sheet is a type of tin-plated sheet, which has helped to create an attractive appearance due to its properties such as paint and varnish adhesion. The tin-plated sheet is used electronically. This sheet is actually a low carbon steel sheet that is coated with tin on both sides and as mentioned in the packaging industry such as glass door packaging is used.

قیمت نیکسان درب ابتکار



بین ازادی 58 و 60، ساختمان صدرا طبقه 4 واحد 46

شماره آگهی: 53732


تاریخ ثبت: یکشنبه, 10 اسفند 1399
تاریخ به روزرسانی: 2 سال پیش

شماره همراه


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